Good Morning World. Coffee in hand, actually almost half way gone. I am longing for a morning where I go outside & its not hot. Also not getting eaten alive by bugs would be rather nice too. Or as I put it,
bit to shit. I have about 10 bug bites on just one patch of my leg. They are awful this year.
So yesterday it became official we got the contracts signed for the sale of this house. After the inspection process you have to go back to the negotation "table" and there was so much to be negotated. The buyer asked for ALL repairs, including rebuilding perfect steps based on the bottom one being 2 inches shorter than the rest & a door that swings shut and doesn't stay where you put it, among other silly things... And then big things, such as a termite spot treatment & that scary word, MOLD in the crawl space. Or as to not cause
us any
stress just give them
$2,600.00! Obviously we were in complete shock when we say the number being that we had already had our own estimates done by not one, but two mold experts and the number just wasn't lining up. Our realtor couldn't get there realtor to show us an estimate from their
"trusted contractor." Reason being, there was none. Pull a number out of a hat and hope for the best? - So
no, us giving away $2,600 on top of the
$3k & fridge we are already giving you at closing.
Just not going to happen. Our realtor kindly reminded them us those little facts when she presented our counter offer. See below!
Two days later they agreed & now all papers are signed. Its a win for both parties involved & I am glad they were able to see that.
Now. To get on to the simple-
ish repairs & packing.
Lots of packing.
Four weeks from today.

Dress by XXI {Three or Four Years Ago! Still LOVE this dress!}
Strappy Aqua Sandals by X-Appeal from Rack Room
Coffee fresh from the Keurig.