As you remember we moved almost a year ago. Not to far of a move, 15 minutes from our old address. We kept our Costco membership through the year & its coming up on the time to renew, but we thought we would check out something closer. Our neighbor shops at BJ's Wholesale Club & we are always getting the Free Trial ad so why not? Its about 20 minutes closer too!
Upon pulling into the parking lot we could already se a different class of people. I am not super classy, so who am I to judge I tell myself as we walk in. The layout looks super similar to Costco. I am thinking yay. This is going to be good. I hate not finding things & wasting my time. We go up to the customer service & get our membership started. Everything the lady is telling us sounds great. 14 months for $40 & bonus a $50 Restaurant gift card. Its like they are paying me to get the membership. Awesome. We browse the store. Prices are rather comparable to Costco & a lot of the same items we typically buy.
However back to the class of people. Bah. We have some how run into this one big black mama in just about every isle we have gone down. Her two hellions are running around, screaming & just being terrible. I am going to guess they were probably 3 & 5 years old. After the fourth isle we shopped together, going opposite directions, I come around the corner & there she is again. This time her kids are a little further away & she is obviously not real thrilled with them. Shit gets real. She goes off. "I am from New Jersey not Fucking North Carolina." She is speaking loud, I mean she is a big black mama. At first I am like no, maybe I miss heard her. She couldn't possibly have said "fucking North Carolina" ... could she? And then she goes on... "I don't give a fuck! I'll beat your asses right here." The two boys just laughed at her and ran directly into my cart.
Side note: I thought the south was known for "beating" children not the north?
Hope you feel better big black mama. You got that off your chest, proved to me that BJ's is a whole other class of people & it didn't change what your boys were doing one bit. A couple isles later the boys were alone & no mama to be seen. Maybe she was hiding from them, hoping to lose them. - Oh there she is yelling at them an isle away. Luckily we lost them the rest of or time in the store & had a more enjoyable shopping experience without them. Ha. $111 later, & 6 items purchased we were out of there.
Even after all that we joined BJ's. Lets hope that was a one time event & it can only get better from here. Where do you do your bulk shopping?

BJ's for us.
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