I am also ...A chef, baker, seamstress. And even a Maid. (I don't wear the uniform!)
Most recently I was proclaimed a Doctor. I also am a dog walker & pug groomer.
All of which I have completed thorough training in and could submit a pretty awesome resume to anyone looking for any of the previous stated professions to be filled. Though I probably won't have time to take on the job. Because basically I am SuperMom to the L Family. (And they pay me well. In hugs & kisses. Yes. The Pug Too!)
Mr. L & I got married in 2003. On my birthday. This was not intended. It happened to be a Saturday & it was the day before Easter Sunday... which means that Mr. L had a 96. (We were a Military Couple/Family.)
Once married we started making babies. That's what you are supposed to do. Right? And if Mr. L hadn't put the stop to things we probably would of had two more by now and one on the way.
I have always been mommy/wife material. Apparently folding laundry since I was two. I think I make a fabulous wife & mommy. I somehow
This year I have started my own
Through starting this blog & ButterBeans&ChicPeas I have "met" some great people. I have had some of the most wonderful compliments on my creations and I have made just enough money to support my fabric addiction! I have been inspired by so many other moms & I hope that one day I too am someones inspiration!