Last year it didn't work out - but this year it did. Papa, Bonnie & Bella came for Thanksgiving dinner while Zach stayed with his dad for the weekend. As always the turkey looks golden brown & was delish. We had all the typical fixings & for desert. Pumpkin & Cherry Pie. And Bonnie made fudge {which the kids LOVED!}
After dinner - a little football out in the yard with the kiddies. ^^ Can't tell those two are related can ya! ^^ In Thanksgiving night tradition up went the tree... With four little sets of hands putting up ornaments the tree was finished in no time. Super 8 - put the kids to bed & Mr. L & I hit up the stores. Yes. We dared it. We went out on Black Friday. Walmart opened at 10pm from there we went to Khols & Target. 5 hours - $400 later {and almost all of our shopping done} we were back home in bed. Only to get up a few hours later. Hmph.
Friday night we had faux Christmas with Papa, Bonnie & Bella. Look at those happy kids by the fireplace. Ready to open some presents. Also our first fire of the holiday season. Yay.
Cody & Papa checking out our gift to Papa. A new toolbelt. Seriously. What do you get the man who has everything. The one item he tells you he wants. So what if its not a surprise.
Saturday we went to see the Rockettes in the Christmas Spectacular at the DPAC. It was alot of fun even if the kids try to deny it. We saw those smiles on their faces. We know they loved seeing teddy bears & soldiers dancing on stage. And lets not forget ... Santa. Also what 15 year old boy doesn't want to see half naked women dancing around on stage. Come on Zach. You can't deny it. Later that night it was time for everyone to head back north. We had tons of fun & it was time to get back to work. Lots of sewing ahead of me to be ready for our Annual Myrtle Beach vacation coming up... next weekend. Hope you all had a splendid Thanksgiving. So much to be Thankful for in life.
Jack is such a sweet little guy. Feel free to read his "This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for..." list.

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