In January I was totally consumed with sewing for the Designers Downtown Market. {That by the way was a huge bust.} This took over the next couple months - basically right up until the night before the Market.
February we traveled to the mountains of Indiana and met with the lovely W family. A secluded cabin & we even got to see snow.
Great Grandma came down in February & stayed with our pug. Yes I did fly someone in just so my pug didn't have to go to the boarding facility. Is that weird. hmm. We took some photos of the kids for Valentines Day. They weren't very willing - but we managed to get a couple & I just love looking back at how much they have changed & grown. Its amazing.
In March we celebrated Reading at school. Jack & Cody dressed as there favorite book characters.
Cody Turned Seven! And had his first real BIRTHDAY PARTY! Emma turned 4 & had a special day!
Once the Market wrapped up in March - I began working on BUNNIES. I can't even tell you how many I made last year. I am hoping to make several more this year. It's almost that time again!
April was a busy month for the L Family. Jack turned SIX. - Mr. L & I celebrated 8 Years of Marriage & I had a birthday. - Remember that whole thing about me, not remembering a thing? Yes, that includes my age. {I am 26, just calculated it out.}
I started my {ellodearie}the collection by BB&CP. Clutches, Card Wallets, Large Wallet & Camera Strap Covers. I was whipping up clutches left & right. Love em.
We bought a new car. It has been amazing - especially on the longer trips. Speaking of trips. - Off we go to New Jersey. Mr. L had two weeks of training. Why not tag along? The pug enjoys traveling too!
We even took time out to do some fun things... Mini Golf, Merry Go Rounds, The Liberty Bell
& caught up with an old Military friend, Andy while in town too!
May we finally got da pug down to 28 lbs. And surprisingly enough he is still hoovering there. Not losing - but certainly not gaining. Yay. We went to Garner for the Scotty McCreery Homecoming Parade/Concert. Couldn't pass up a local American Idol contestant {which he ended up winning.} probably not going to happen again in our area.
Oh & Josh Turner was there too.
For Memorial Day weekend we went to New Bern. Always fun going back there to see where we used to live & enjoy some fun in the sun. Miss Emma was totally rockin' the sun suit I made her. Crazy cuteness.In June we got Mr. L a basketball hoop for Fathers Day. Lots of fun came from that gift.
Of course you know I was busy sewing away on several custom outfits for The Fourth Of July.
Above are my boys rockin' there custom tie tees & short sets I created.
July - The boys are done with Kindergarten & First Grade. Jack got the Leadership Award. Go Jack.
We traveled up to NY/VT for a long weekend over the Fourth Of July. Nothing like some fresh mountain air cow shit air. We took Rays family on a boat cruise in Saratoga for the fireworks. After or time in NY we traveled back home & brought Great Grandma home with us. She sure does love the south. -
Good thing since this year she bought herself a house in Florida.
Also in July Mr. L turned 29 - Only one more year in the 20's. Oh My.
We went bowling to celebrate & Miss Emma & Jack tied for the win.
Guess we all pretty much suck at bowling. But we had fun none the less.
August it was back to school for my 1st & 2nd graders. Crazzy. I was working out like a freak and my progress was rapid. Finally got myself back down to pre pregnancy weight. And by pre pregnancy - I mean pre ANY pregnancy. Go Me. Seriously. Also this month, my machine died. Boo. Being that it was under $200 there was no way I was about to pay about that to have it fixed & wouldn't you know I had a huge work load ahead of me. I ordered one and had it at my door in two days. Love Amazon's prime shipping. I also L O V E my new machine.
I also launched my first PDF pattern in the shop. The Card Wallet - followed quickly by the Large Wallet. Just fabulous. I love that I am now offering not one, but THREE pdfs.
September Codys first time playing baseball on a REAL team. He loved it. Nana, Aunt Steph, Arianna, & Great Grandma all made a trip to NC to watch a couple games. What fun.
Mr. L & I volunteered at the third annual Fun Run. Even though Steph was due to come up to visit us in just a couple days I surprised her & flew down to Florida for her baby shower & a photo session on the beach. Check out that Maternity Sash I whipped up. Love'n it.
Miss Emma got Glasses. Yay. So happy that my lil' gal can see & even better yet, she keeps them on. They must be working cause she loves them. It's my mini me. <3
October we took our first real family vacation in what felt like F O R E V E R. We went to the mountains of Tennessee. Gaitlinburg/Pigeon Forge area. Our wonderful friend The W Family met up with us there. Even though they were only able to stay a couple days we enjoyed out time with them. Such fun.
We enjoyed ever single bit of that vacation. Every single minute.
I need another vacation. {Don't worry its in the works.}
November - I got the family photos done - right in the backyard. The tripod did it again. My Dad & his family came down for Thanksgiving. You know I was busy behind the machine with customs. Its a busy time of year. We flew thru this month {well the whole year really!} Shopping, Baking, Sewing, Hot Cocoa, Movies & keeping warm by the fire. It was all a blur.
Also this month Ezra was born. Our first nephew. Congratulations to the new Mom & Dad.
Jack had his first Holiday Concert at school. Look at him all dressed up in the vest I made him.
I launched the Matryoshka PDF pattern in the shop.
Miss Emma {and the boys} love playing with all the ones I have created.
Our Family Christmas Night 2011.
Twas a good year friends. Excited for all that can come in 2012. Hope you all had a great one. Cheers.

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