Skipped a week. Last Wednesday I was signing my autograph about a bazillion times to sell the house & purchase our new home. What a crazy busy day. - One week later I have all of my things here with me.
Woot. Lots unpacked & still lots more to do. Boxes in all the corners, but the kitchen is completely unpacked & the office. We can function with that. I even created new projects for myself, like staining my log bedframe & stands
. Bed done. Stands, hopefully today.
And. Of course. I've been playing some
major catch up on emails & orders.
Three camera bags yesterday.
Whew. Oh & of course I am battling a "cold", seems like a throat thing, easily cured by a morning cup of coffee & afternoon hot tea - but it comes back in the morning. Ugh.

So today is day two for the littles riding the bus, but day three of the new school. So far, its OK. We got great impressions from the teachers. But. Once the littles came home, not so much, the behavior & lack of discipline seems to be too much. Six to 8 kids from the class getting sent to the office. Constant empty threats from the teacher... so on. My kids are the "good kids" &
I am not just saying that, if you met them
you would know. They make good choices, for the most part, & especially when it counts. They don't like to play with the bad kids. Codys teacher actually said to the class,
"Well Cody knows who to pick as friends." -
Yep. He sure does. Hopefully things will get better, and its a fluke thing. Jack is
beyond excited. Today is his first ever field trip. He has had "field trips" before, that were all in house. This time he is going out! Jack will see a house from the 1800s - the cotton gin & experience the ways of the times.
How fun! He could barely sleep last night he was so excited.

Top - Tangerine Tank from Target
Olive Cable Knit Sweater from Eddie Bauer {LOVE IT!}
Skinny Dark Denim Jeans from XXI
Plaid Flats by SOHO from Khols
The temperature has dropped. Feels like a real fall morning out there. I love it. Alright going to get my shipping done & then to the back yard to stain the stands. Maybe get the bed put together too. Gotta watch little Ezra this afternoon & then its Baseball Time!
Happy Wednesday