Growing Together

I am a Mommy To Three Little Ones. Through Them I Grow Daily. I Strive To Be The Best Wife & Mommy For Our Family Of 5 & A Pug.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fun Run

 Emma, Mr. L & I all stayed out for the whole day. That's right. Seven hours outside in the sunshine & 88 degree heat.  Miss Emma was such a good girl the whole day.  Sporting of course an outfit made by me that got her all kinds of attention!
This year I volunteered for the whole day.  Last year I was smart  less helpful and did half of the day.  I was calling off names I've never heard of all afternoon. (Missing my morning helper that did the dirty work!)
But we made it through.  Most of the kids were really into the running.  And even some of the teachers too.
Jack's class and Cody's class were back to back.   Mr. L and Jack ran 8 laps around the track in 20 minutes. He tied with one other kid in his class for the most laps in his class.  Poor Mr. L just finishing up a good jog with little Jackie had to get right back at it with Cody just minutes later. 
Cody of course was striving to win.  He wanted to get the most laps for his class.  And he did it!  He tied with his best friend Davey.  They both got 11.  Mr. L did 19 laps in 40 minutes.  Woot Woot.

As if this wasn't enough effort on his part.  Oh no.  He was talked into becoming Swimmy.  Oh yes.  He wore the drenched in three other peoples sweat Otter suite all to make some third graders happy.  They better had appreciated it.  Unlike Miss Emma.  She wasn't real impressed with Swimmy er Daddy

And by the way Miss Emma did make it around the track at full run 3 times throughout the whole day.  Most of her time was spent snacking (I was thinking about someones belly the night before, certainly not my own!) under the table avoiding the hot sunshine.

Second Annual Fun Run at Lake Myra was, in my book a success.  I don't know about the financial side.  We can only hope.  Those T-Shirts were loaded with sponsors this year.


carmen said...

I love running and wish that others did too. It is so nice to see children being active, as that usually isn't the case.

Thanks for stopping by, now following your blog.

Reagan and Trevor's Mommy said...

Wow! That sounds like quite a busy day. Kudos to Mr. L too! I can't wait to keep looking around your blog and visit your store. Thanks for stopping by my blog - I am so glad you did! I am now a happy follower.

Bev said...

Carmen yes. I like to keep all of my kids "active". Mr. L takes my oldest on parachute runs most every weekend! My middle child is the "lazy" one. Today he played football with us... but I had to bribe him by letting him use the computer after! :)

Thanks Reagan's Mommy! :) Glad you stopped by and are following me too!

Shelley I am already a follower of your lovely blog! Thanks! :)

Dawn Lopez said...

Hello!!! We are your newest followers! We hope you will come visit us at, Have a great day =)

Adventures said...

I am following you back thanks for the follow!

Victoria said...

Great post! Nice to see pix of the boys' classmates, and get to see what this Miss Jada Rose looks like! {She's a Cutey!!!} Say YeaY!!! to the boys {and Davey!!}for making the most laps in their classes!!!! It's exciting to have Mr.L taking a huge part in the kid's activities~~how come there's no pix of Swimmy??? LOL! As I was reading, I expected to see one of Swimmy and Emma together!!! I'm glad it was at least a little cool out for ya!!! Isn't 88* cool??? It was that at 10am here this morning!


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