That said check out what I wore this week... (since Sunday... Atleast!)
Top: Stretch Tee from Gap on top of Tank from Target
Bottoms: Draw String Lounge pants from Old Navy
(They didn't do my hips justice!) Glad I didn't go out!
Top: Tank from Target layered
with a Beige "Favorite Tee" from Gap
Sweater from Ralph Lauren (it was a rainy day!)
Bottom: Jeans from Gap
Socks from Target with one of my favorite
pairs of flats from Target!
Top: (My comfiest shirt ever!!!) From Target (of Course!!)
Bottoms: Yoga Pants from Old Navy with Target Socks <3
{It was laundry day.}
{It was laundry day.}
Top: Cami from Old Navy layered with a Green Henley from Old Navy (Closest thing to patterns I own!)
Bottoms: (FAVORITE JEANS), So from Khols Department Store.
Socks from Target. I {L O V E} the color of this blue.
With my faithful flats. Target.
Excited for my first link up with The Pleated Poppy! Hopefully many more to come... this may or may not make me get out of yoga pants! hehe.