Don't get me wrong. Mr. L is a hard working, good loving & caring Daddy. He doesn't do this every weekend. Not even once a month. Trust me. I wouldn't put up with it. This weekend he deserved a fun day out which by the way was paid for by a friend for a birthday present & they took a limo... no drinking & driving.
What this meant for me & the kiddies? We stayed home. We made a "Backyardigians" chocolate chip cookie recipe. Watched movies. Played outside. Picked Veggies from the garden & even did a little cleaning.
Sunday when Mr. L got over his "24 Hour Flu" I made a Sunday dinner. Butternut squash from the garden, a tasty cheesy potato bake with pork chops. For dessert we had peach cobbler. Emma loved helping make the whipped cream for her "peach gobbler."
Cody wanted to pose with the tasty dishes of peach cobbler. This was my first time making it with fresh peaches and it was soooo good.
Because I was home all weekend I found time to cut patterns for booties &
got one pair sewed up. Aren't they so watermelon-ey & cute.
This pair is a 6-9 months. I also have a pair in 0-3 I finished today & will soon be working on a pair in size 3-6 months.
I think they came out super cute. Listed two pairs in my Etsy Shop, ButterBeans&ChicPeas.
We made it through the weekend. Two more weeks of track out. The boys are beyond boredom & can't wait to go back to school. Say what. I too can't wait. Has been nice not having to get up early. But I am yet to sleep past 7:30am. So I guess I might as well be having to get up.
Oh. And. I have made it half way through one book.
Slowly. But. Surely.

I love the sifter in the background of Cody's picture. Where'd ya get that??? I love old kitchen tools!!!
I'm glad to hear that Ray & his buddy didn't have to drive! Boy, that was quite the way to go!!!!
Funny, I made homemade whipped cream last night, to go with my fresh peach cobbler, too.... I found the easiest recipe, online, for it, the last time I made it {with Georgia peaches I brought home from our trip}.... This time, I made it with fresh from our grocery store's produce section {an exciting place to shop, huh?, yeah, right!} Anyhow, do you dunk your peaches in a hot water bath to peel them??? And is your cobbler "dough" just poured into a pan of melted butter???? We'll have to trade recipes!
Wow the peach cobbler looks yummy. The weekend sounded fun and the booties are adorable.
Thanks for stopping by and linking up at Relax n Surf Sunday!
I'm following you.
Okay, your weekends sound like too much fun, and that peach cobbler does look divine. I'm heading to your house for the next
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