Growing Together
I am a Mommy To Three Little Ones. Through Them I Grow Daily. I Strive To Be The Best Wife & Mommy For Our Family Of 5 & A Pug.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Christmas 2012
Ugh. We made it. Christmas is over. Days before I was completely put out. Couldn't get off the couch with a 102.6 fever. Yuck. Then Christmas eve the others fell in line. Cody really started to get the worst of it on Christmas night when his fever spiked at 103.7. Oh my. I was shocked. We got it down in the night & kept it under 100 for the last couple of days. The barking cough. You know the one. Dry. Annoying. Makes you want to stick your head under a pillow so you don't have to hear it, cough. Ya. That one. Its here. I am freaking out. Taking him in to the doctor this afternoon to make sure it hasn't turned straight bronchitis on us. A holiday is not a holiday without someone being sick. Am I right?

Monday, December 24, 2012
Christmas Letter
The holidays have crept up on me big time this year. I am just happy I am finding a spare moment taking the time to sit down and write this “Holiday Letter” out. I won’t break tradition, even if it is late. I know many of my relatives love this small form of connection we keep over the years. And I do too.
So much has changed this year; Ray has started a new job, same career, just working from the home office again. It’s been nice having him around the house to help out with the daily chores as my business has more than doubled this year, and that includes the work load. Especially during the holidays. I love it. So amazing to be able to work for yourself and at something you are passionate about at that.
Emma has started Kindergarten. Where has the time gone? She is such a big girl. Reading already & wanting me to teach her how to write in cursive. Girls are so different than boys. It’s great.
Cody & Jack both did Baseball this spring. Cody made it to the All Star League for our town & was awesome at it. We continued him on with Fall Ball. Can’t wait for spring to arrive & get both the boys signed up again. They really love sports. Both of the boys are excelling in school. Well above the grade standards. Can you tell I am incredibly proud of my “little L s?”
I hope your family is well & that this letter finds you having a very Happy Christmas.
Love The L Family.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
What I Wore Wednesday
Top Khols, Cardigan Old Navy
Bottom Jeans by Forever XXI -- Boots by SOHO for Khols.
I am loving that its not freezing out again today, though it sure doesn't feel like Christmas. I took da pug out for his late morning stroll in the backyard. Thought he'd like to be part of What I Wore Wednesday this week. Not sure who's face is sillier in the last picture. ha.
Taking the day off from the machine. Baking is in the works - but first lunch with a friend. Happy Wednesday.
Bottom Jeans by Forever XXI -- Boots by SOHO for Khols.
I am loving that its not freezing out again today, though it sure doesn't feel like Christmas. I took da pug out for his late morning stroll in the backyard. Thought he'd like to be part of What I Wore Wednesday this week. Not sure who's face is sillier in the last picture. ha.
Taking the day off from the machine. Baking is in the works - but first lunch with a friend. Happy Wednesday.

Monday, December 17, 2012
Make It Monday {Don't Fear the Minky} A Washie Tutorial
As requested, a time or twelve - a simple & quick tutorial on my ever popular washies. I whip these things out all the time. They are really fast. Perfect for in a pinch on a baby shower gift. Easy. Peasy.
I know what some of you are thinking, no, minky is scary. Well I am hear to tell you... Don't Fear The Minky. Hopefully these tips will help you feel comfortable working with it. It takes time, I've been working with it for years, but it well become simple. I don't even pin mine when making something as small as a washie. {For the sake of this tutorial, I did.} You'll get there.
First - cut an 8 inch square of cotton, then cut an 8 1/2 inch square of minky. {I like the minky to be a little wider so I can see it sticking out from under the cotton as I sew, knowing that I have caught both edges while stitching along.}
Second - pin or don't. I don't. I will in the photos to give you an idea. If you don't have these clips, you need them. Seriously. They are amazing for minky projects. Right sides together.
Third - sew using a coordinating thread and a very wide stitch length. I set my machine to 5.0mm. Leave a two inch gap in the middle of one side for turning purposes.
Fourth - trim the edges of the minky & corners so they will turn nicely.
Fifth - Turn & Top-Stitch be sure you have tucked in the raw edges where you turned the washie. You can adjust your stitch length back down a little if you want. I don't.
You're Done. The only thing left to do is... Wash Up.
Final Minky Tips:
*W-I-D-E Stitch Length
*Pre Wash Cottons - Minky does NOT shrink, but the cotton you use with it will.
*Cut 1/2 inch wider than cotton
*Purchase a Walking Foot, also called an Even Feed Foot. OR --
*Minky as the bottom layer when feeding thru the machine. {It just works best that way.}
*Do NOT Iron Minky. Ever. You will ruin it & I imagine your iron. Yuck.
Be Prepared To Sneeze - Sniffle & Have LOTS of Fuzziness flying around. I've learned to live with it. Happy Sewing.
I know what some of you are thinking, no, minky is scary. Well I am hear to tell you... Don't Fear The Minky. Hopefully these tips will help you feel comfortable working with it. It takes time, I've been working with it for years, but it well become simple. I don't even pin mine when making something as small as a washie. {For the sake of this tutorial, I did.} You'll get there.
First - cut an 8 inch square of cotton, then cut an 8 1/2 inch square of minky. {I like the minky to be a little wider so I can see it sticking out from under the cotton as I sew, knowing that I have caught both edges while stitching along.}
Second - pin or don't. I don't. I will in the photos to give you an idea. If you don't have these clips, you need them. Seriously. They are amazing for minky projects. Right sides together.
Third - sew using a coordinating thread and a very wide stitch length. I set my machine to 5.0mm. Leave a two inch gap in the middle of one side for turning purposes.
Fourth - trim the edges of the minky & corners so they will turn nicely.
Fifth - Turn & Top-Stitch be sure you have tucked in the raw edges where you turned the washie. You can adjust your stitch length back down a little if you want. I don't.
You're Done. The only thing left to do is... Wash Up.
Final Minky Tips:
*W-I-D-E Stitch Length
*Pre Wash Cottons - Minky does NOT shrink, but the cotton you use with it will.
*Cut 1/2 inch wider than cotton
*Purchase a Walking Foot, also called an Even Feed Foot. OR --
*Minky as the bottom layer when feeding thru the machine. {It just works best that way.}
*Do NOT Iron Minky. Ever. You will ruin it & I imagine your iron. Yuck.
Be Prepared To Sneeze - Sniffle & Have LOTS of Fuzziness flying around. I've learned to live with it. Happy Sewing.

Sunday, December 16, 2012
Weekend RePlay
What a crazy Crazy weekend. mhmm. Mr. L is on a on call rotation - every two weeks. The two weeks on call are a bit, um, crazy. But the paycheck is nice. Fifteen hours of over time this weekend. Somehow we still squeezed in some Christmas Shopping at Target - a trip to get gas for a mere, 3.01, gasp & a walk on the nature trail, with the littles, da pug & a cup of starbucks. yumm-o. I worked my booty off this weekend too. Wrapped up all of my promised Christmas orders. Go me. No seriously. Go me. I was stressing out big time. - Wrote a list. Got that shit done. Boom. Happy Weekend.

Saturday, December 15, 2012
Busy. The Christmas Rush.
For Reals. Its down to the final days. I am busy. Whipping out stuffed friends, totes galore & finally the Twelve Days of Christmas is over. Phew. Next year I may consider preparing for that 12 day long deal in October. Just thought I would take a moment while I am sitting here enjoying my morning coffee & the littles are slightly entertained by each-other {ha} to show you whats been flying off my machine this week.
Have a Happy Saturday. Ten Day Til' Christmas. Eeeek.
Have a Happy Saturday. Ten Day Til' Christmas. Eeeek.

Chore Blocks - {By Domestic Diva Designs}
A client was in love with one of my bunnies & just had to have it for her littles. She wondered, could we do a trade? I don't do trades often, but once I checked out her page I saw these Chore Blocks & thought they could be FUN! So we agreed to the trade & within just a few days she had them all set to ship. I showed her a swatch of color combos that would match my home & she went with it. Also you can customize what your sticks say. Amazing.
So here are my blocks. Aren't they fun? So far so good. The littles are getting things done. Within the first hour they had cleaned all the mirrors in the house, the toilets, dusted & started cleaning their rooms. Seriously. Win. Oh. On a side note I have to say, they are much larger than I had thought. In my head I was seeing the sticks as popsicle sticks. Well. They are the large tongue depressor size. So that should give you a size reference here. They are perfect.
Want your own set? Get your kids organized & motivated to get things done. It works. Go see Domestic Diva Designs on facebook & get your order started TODAY!
So here are my blocks. Aren't they fun? So far so good. The littles are getting things done. Within the first hour they had cleaned all the mirrors in the house, the toilets, dusted & started cleaning their rooms. Seriously. Win. Oh. On a side note I have to say, they are much larger than I had thought. In my head I was seeing the sticks as popsicle sticks. Well. They are the large tongue depressor size. So that should give you a size reference here. They are perfect.
Want your own set? Get your kids organized & motivated to get things done. It works. Go see Domestic Diva Designs on facebook & get your order started TODAY!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
What I Wore Wednesday
So excited today, its finally Day 12 of the Twelve Days of Christmas. That means the winner is up on the blog & I am posting the final deal today. Washies. Sets of 6 - today - at noon EST. Finally its done. I mean yeah, I have a bazillion other orders to do. But seriously. I am not sure what I was thinking - 12 sets of 6 washies. Um, 72 washies in a day. I did it. Actually I made an extra set. Whoops. Go me. Raised the presser foot up and down over 780 times. Anyone else get a sore spot on there right index finger? Eek.
What am I wearing today you ask... {You know you were totally wondering!!}
Top from the Gap. Its a thermal - perfect for this chilly NC day. Sweater from Van Heusen. I call it my "old lady" sweater. Jeans by SoHo from Khols. Socks from Target. Plaid Flats with a cute little "bow" from Khols. Aren't they cute?
What am I wearing today you ask... {You know you were totally wondering!!}
Happy Wednesday.

Sunday, December 9, 2012
Zippered Pouches - Day 9

Saturday, December 8, 2012
Head Wraps
Its Day 8 of the Twelve Days of Christmas Deals. Um. Hello. Beautiful. These fabrics are ah-may-zing. I love each one of them. And you can have one of them today for just $8.20 Shipped. Even more ah-may-zing. I think. YES. See you on the facebook page at 7 pm EST.

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