I know what some of you are thinking, no, minky is scary. Well I am hear to tell you... Don't Fear The Minky. Hopefully these tips will help you feel comfortable working with it. It takes time, I've been working with it for years, but it well become simple. I don't even pin mine when making something as small as a washie. {For the sake of this tutorial, I did.} You'll get there.
First - cut an 8 inch square of cotton, then cut an 8 1/2 inch square of minky. {I like the minky to be a little wider so I can see it sticking out from under the cotton as I sew, knowing that I have caught both edges while stitching along.}
Second - pin or don't. I don't. I will in the photos to give you an idea. If you don't have these clips, you need them. Seriously. They are amazing for minky projects. Right sides together.
Third - sew using a coordinating thread and a very wide stitch length. I set my machine to 5.0mm. Leave a two inch gap in the middle of one side for turning purposes.
Fourth - trim the edges of the minky & corners so they will turn nicely.
Fifth - Turn & Top-Stitch be sure you have tucked in the raw edges where you turned the washie. You can adjust your stitch length back down a little if you want. I don't.
You're Done. The only thing left to do is... Wash Up.
Final Minky Tips:
*W-I-D-E Stitch Length
*Pre Wash Cottons - Minky does NOT shrink, but the cotton you use with it will.
*Cut 1/2 inch wider than cotton
*Purchase a Walking Foot, also called an Even Feed Foot. OR --
*Minky as the bottom layer when feeding thru the machine. {It just works best that way.}
*Do NOT Iron Minky. Ever. You will ruin it & I imagine your iron. Yuck.
Be Prepared To Sneeze - Sniffle & Have LOTS of Fuzziness flying around. I've learned to live with it. Happy Sewing.

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