Mothers Day - we cleaned big time!!! Had a showing - so we spent the afternoon out strawberry picking & shoe shopping for me & little Em's. Later on at night we got feedback for the showing & yay. They didn't give negative. Well - not really. "They just started there search & they didn't rule it out. The only thing they didn't like was the dark hardwoods." --- A little surprised. I thought dark woods were nice & the in thing. Ugh. So we will see. All I wanted for Mothers Day was to sell the house - I'll take some positive feedback!!!
I was able to get all the wet bags done from preorders. They shipped out today! I love how they turned out. And we are already getting word from mommas on how great they are!!! "Got the wetbag late last week and used it over the weekend. GREAT size. I love it. Perfect perfect perfect." - Caroline

Time to run out the door and grab my littles! Heres to a productive week.

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