Its been such a miserable week weather-wise. Rain Rain Rain. But - on the sewing front - its been amazingly productive. Amazing. Ended up finishing 8 orders yesterday. One included 20 teeny tiny monsters. Can't believe it, but I don't have another one of those pending. They have been selling like crazy in the shop. This morning I have a diaper bag to cut - then some ruffle pants & a lounge set for two of my fave clients! Addison & Jackson. You probably don't know, but Miss Emma & Addison are BEST FRIEND PEN PALS! Cutest thing. There mama has been one of my clients from the get go {3 Years!}. I am not sure how she found BB&CP but, I sure am glad. She has become one of my BEST ONLINE FRIENDS. Its always amazing the friendships that I have created from my business & blog! I {Heart} You guys! Eachone of you.
Ok! Here is me today! - Rocking a travel mug full of COFFEE.
Took the littles - a few tries to get a picture of me. Head to Toe. Not blurry. They sorta got it. ha. Alright. Gotta run! Time for the bus.
Happy Wednesday!!

Light Denim Top from Target
Pink Pants by Indigo Rein
Polk A Dot Shoes from Target
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