-The L Family-

No. Really. Christmas is coming. It's going to be here before we know it. I have done about no shopping. No family pictures taken and no Christmas yearly letter written. Eeek. It's coming.
I have been super busy making camera bags and playing catchup from last week's time off in the northeast. Must be lots of ladies getting cameras for Christmas. The bag orders have peaked again.
Well I am bundled up and on my way back from the bus stop. But here is my WIWW outfit of the day. ♡
Top plaid Eddie Bauer button up.
Skinny jeans by Forever 21
Long pea coat by BB Dakota
Long Knit Scarf
Boots by Hot Cakes (Shoe Dept.)
Happy Wednesday.
Life has been a busy blur of goodness. Gosh I love a warm fall day. And that's just what it is here today. Yes. A warm 65° already today, with a high of 72°. Gonna enjoy it. The extend forecast doesn't look so nice.
We are heading out to the vet. Just our yearly pug check up. But. Our pug hates the vet. He turns into a real asshole. Hoping this puppy calming pill makes the experience a little better on him, and us.
The littles are back at it. Weeks 4 - 13 here we go. Always rough getting back to schedule after a track out. But we seem to be falling in nicely. Baseball starts back up on Saturday & that may make things a little tougher. Hard to open your eyes at 7 am after being at baseball till 930 pm. Don't get me wrong, we are super ciked to get back to baseball. ⚾ For reals.
We are in our final week, actually days, of trackout. It always goes by fast. I am not ripping my hair out yet. We have been super busy with baseball. Lots of baseball. We have this weekend off for mothers day. What to do? Typically we go strawberry picking. Just not sure if it is a good year for strawberries here in NC. And to top it all off Mr. L is on call this week. Work has been slow though. We have seen lots of Mr. L during trackout. Yay. Jack and I are working on Xtra math & achieve3000 ... good ol' homework. Off to enjoy five more days without packing lunches x3.
Orange tank top by Old Navy
Black cardigan by Old Navy
Chevron Skirt by ButterBeans&ChicPeas
Orange flats by Target
Keeping it simple. It's our first day tracked out. I am relaxed and ready to enjoy coffee. Sunshine. Friends. And oh more sunshine.
I've been visiting with family & running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Movies. Baseball. Dinner. School. Dishes. Building. Shopping. Yes! Papa and Bonnie are in town. My house is full.. today however I am alone enjoying a cup of coffee and relaxing. The littles are still in school this week and we have had baseball almost every day since last Friday. Busy. Yesterday we got to work on my raised garden. Today is too stinkin cold to finish it up. Tomorrow. I just have to add soil. It's looking amazing. Can't wait to see it full of fresh veggies for the summer.
Alright. Here's what I am wearing.
Pink skinny jeans by Indigo Rein
Sweater by Old Navy
Polka dot socks by Target